Thursday, February 26, 2009

What does it take to be nice?

What does it take to be nice? Is it really that difficult to be nice to others? Why are there so many around us who behave as if to be nice to someone takes a lot out of them. Being made by the same Maker, I would have thought all of us would be blessed with the ability to bring a smile to a fellow being. But no, whereever you go, you end up getting stressed, irritated, peeved, angered, aggravated and hostile - and all of this due to how other people treat you.

Let me try and ask some questions as to what it would take for someone to be "nice" in certain situations:
1. What does it take to smile and say "thank you" to the rickshaw / taxi driver who drops you to where you want to go? Agreed, you have paid him his due fare but even then, what does a smile cost you?

2. What does it take to get up and offer your seat to a senior citizen / a lady whose expecting or lady with too many bags / a small child in a crowded bus or train when you yourself might be better off than them?

3. What does it take it stop your vehicle for a moment and allow people trying to get across a busy intersection on foot to cross over?

4. How much would it cost for you to hold the door open for the person coming right behind you while entering any place especially when you know the door is going to abruptly swing back after you have passed through?

5. Is it really difficult to not reach negatively after certain people say something not so nice about someone behind their backs and instead clarify the issue out with the individual in question?

6. How tough would it be for you to own up to something you were responsible for rather than passing the blame on to someone who was not even aware of the situation?

7. Would it be very difficult for you to offer your help to someone who was trying to do something you are very good at and they are not at all able to do it?

8. Can you graciously accept a compliment from someone you barely know without first suspecting that person about wanting something from you?

9. How difficult would it be for you to not snap at your loved ones, especially your parents / siblings / spouse when it is YOU who is tired and they ask you something without realizing that you may not be in the mood to answer them then?

10. If someone got something you coveted and did not get, would you be able to feel genuine happiness for that person, especially if they are friends of yours?

11. When was the last time you helped someone without expecting anything back and felt all the better for it?

Am not asking anyone to answer these questions in public. We are all adults and can think like adults. Only thing is some of us either forget it or choose to overlook it sometimes. Its not very evident in day-to-day life but the person who can honestly do all of the above is a much happier person.
Would love to hear your opinions because frankly, one does not see too much of niceness (I know this is not a word but I guess you know what I'm trying to say) these days!!


Ramya Ramadurai said...

@ 8. I'm kinda skeptical now, you don't think that about MY compliments do ya?!!

Pixie said...

hmmm... true..
People are not nice so easily nowadays and with all the rude people around you - its difficult to acknowledge a genuine compliment sometimes...

rahul said...

@sachin.....i agree with what you have written, and i observe that you try and follow that in real life as well! keep it up :-)

Anonymous said...

it takes a good mood to be nice and it takes a good boss to be in a good mood ;D life jus revolves arnd work these days and ppl tend to forget the simplicity of life...

ppl like ur betr half, u , me are tryin to get tht changed...and slowly the world will realise it too :)
Cheers!- chix

Anonymous said...

Sach, ever read the "chicken soup for the soul" series? I am getting the same mushy,misty feelings after reading through all your blogs!
Like you always say, " there is stills one good left in the world,and its worth fighting for" ... Feel renewed,energised...keep writing more and more like this!
- AC