Thursday, October 04, 2018

What is Love?

What is Love?
This is the age old question that has been discussed, debated and done to death (sorry for the alliteration).  These are a few personal thoughts – consider this as more of a ramble of an idle mind travelling back home in a crowded local train.

Love is loving yourself enough first to be able to love someone else.

Love is in the sparkle in those eyes as they gaze at you (when they do).

Love is the grateful feeling on seeing the first rays of a rising sun.

Love is in the slow smile that exerts its power over you.

Love is being able to let go when needed.

Love is in the heartache you feel after an argument with someone special.

Love is in the blind trust you bestow upon those few people.

Love is when you see your sleeping child and knowing that she or he is your flesh and blood.

Love is something that cannot be controlled or guided, it just is.

Love can be calm or tempestuous.

Love is in the little things.

Love is in the small hand that slips into yours when scared or sad.

Love can make you restless or settled and sometimes even both at once.

Love usually shines through your actions and not your words.

Love is taking someone and making them part of you, for life and even beyond.

Love is a tight hug when you need it and just saying "I'm there for you."

Love starts slow but holds strong. True love does not fade.

Love is pure, undemanding and does not expect.

Love cannot be seen, it can only be felt.

Love is quick to forgive and does not hold grudges.

Love is not only romantic; there are different kinds and each one is beautiful.

Love is acceptance, of the good, the bad and the ugly.

Love can change you for the better, if you let it.

Love is always positive; it can make you kinder and nicer than you were.

Love is something larger than life, something bigger than you and me.

Am I even close to being someone who imbibes all of what I have listed above? Hell, no! Do I want to someday? Oh yes! 

Having said that, it's not easy to be objective in love for most of us, and least of all, me. We can only try and hope to get there, eventually.

Thoughts welcome….