Tuesday, August 19, 2008

7 Things I Abhor!

This is not really a tag I picked up from someone. This is just a summing up of certain things that get on my nerves; some things that make me want to do what some bratty kids do, i.e. lie down on the floor in the middle of some shop and cry loudly along with beating their arms and legs just because they want something which their parents may not necessarily want to buy them.

1. People in big, luxurious cars like Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagen and others rolling down their windows and throwing litter out on the roads. You would have thought that with the kind of money they have, they’d be able to buy a little civic sense as well.

2. Someone pushing past you and getting in front of you in a buffet queue. Come on, it’s a buffet. Its not as if the food is going to get over and the last person to eat is the person in front of you.

3. Guys (and some girls too!) in those abnormally low waist jeans that look as if they are going to land around their ankles any minute now. I agree good underwear is expensive but that does not mean you need to flaunt it all around the place especially in public. As long as you know its there, its good.

4. When in a movie theatre and the National Anthem is being played, some people have the habit of taking their own sweet time to get up, some of them yawn, some talk amongst themselves or laugh and there are some who HAVE to talk on their mobile phones at that very moment. At this I can only go grrrrrrrr……………

5. Someone walking past your stationary vehicle (either at a traffic light or in parked position) and running a sharp object along it or knocking against the sides with fingers covered with rings or even knocking the rear-view mirror awry! Meri jaan jalti hai yaar!!! :(

6. Gropers – one of the worst menaces that exist in every modern society ever. These sickos don’t even spare teenaged girls, they perpetrate their acts in broad daylight and then walk away with innocent faces leaving behind a young girl / lady feeling humiliated all the way to the depth of her soul. It is positively hateful to see that only Indian girls / women walk in public with their bag / book / file / purse held against their chest as a form of protection. They say that in Arab countries and in medieval times, cutting off the offending organ was a common punishment. Wish that could be the case here as well.

7. Imagine this – there is a humungous traffic snarl ahead of you on the express highway; you are frustrated as your car literally inches forward; it takes you exactly 1 hour and 15 minutes to cover the 200 meters after which the traffic suddenly lets up. And all this for what reason? Just one, mind you, ONE car broken down and already pushed to the left of the road and every driver passing it has to slow down and see what has actually happened. And this is not seeing with the objective of wanting to help, just plain curiosity!

While this was not a tag for me, let me be mean and make it a tag for others! I tag Shruthi, Triya, Lak and my new blog mates Smi, Pixie & Lemonade. And of course anyone who wants to take it up of their own free will is welcome as well.


Shruthi said...

Heh heh... my list would go to more than 100 :D

Will do this tag - will take some time, but will do it.

Btw I must say that I agree with your list! :D

lemon said...

hey thanks for the tag..will get to it later :)

Pixie said...

I agree with all 7 you have put up here!!
See, how difficult you made this! I have to write out 7 different things I Abhor now!!!

Anonymous said...

Shruthi: Actually I had quite a few more things to say too but then thought that tags should be with some limit to them and 7 sounded a nice enough number. Shall await your tag.

Lemonade: Looking forward to see your version!

Pixie: Hehehehe, the idea is get as creative as you can!

LAK said...

Hey sachin, it's not mean at all! In fact thanx for jerking me out of lethargy----actually my pc was not ok--internet explorer wouldn't open. I could have borrowed hubby's laptop, but wasn't enthu enough. I did have so many rants, which was also a reason for being silent on the blog---but a better way is to put those rants in cyberspace. So will definitely do the tag---just what I needed!BTW, all the things on your list are on mine too!

Anonymous said...

super, are u sure u r in the right profession?

Anonymous said...

Nice one...ESP the jeans one... So so true!
Also the last one bout traffic!